Getting on board with Ruby on Rails

Aizaz Khaja / March 10, 2017
1 min read

Note: Node.js is now on Bloc's curriculum but it's ok. I've managed to pick this one up myself for a project.

I just completed my first checkpoint within Bloc's curriculum on Ruby on Rails. It's a slight bummer that we aren't on node.js for the backend portion, but that's ok. By now, I feel confident enough that I can pick up programming languages and concepts as I go along. After all, there's still plenty of Ruby stacks out there that could use developers anyway. If I only knew Node.js out of the gates, I'd only be good for what's the hottest current, mainstream tech.

Besides, I hear Golang is picking up steam. I'm sure another hot thing will show up at the doorsteps next week.

So far with Rails, I've gotten accustomed to using rvm to manage the different versions of items, creating/using gemsets. Sure that's pretty basic, but I can now setup a basic Rails app. I think that's pretty cool. I've even connected and setup a development environment + a production environment on Heroku with Postgres DB.